Prima - cholesterol test
The Cholesterol Test detects the level of total cholesterol in blood, highlighting a possible high value. The measurement works with a single reactive strip, without the aid of any instruments.
Cholesterol is a lipid molecule belonging to the sterol class which plays an important role in human body physiology. Cholesterol is transported into the blood by lipoproteins, whose two main types are HDL and LDL, high density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins. The first, often called good cholesterol, have the function of transporting the cholesterol present in blood to the liver, which provides for its elimination, while the second are also called bad cholesterol, responsible for transporting cholesterol in blood and they may cause accumulations in arterial vessels, with consequent risks of arteriosclerosis and infarct.
When its concentration increases it become one of the most relevant risk factors for your heart and, consequently, for your health. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among adults both in USA and Europe, and people with hyperlipidemia are at roughly twice the risk of developing cardiovascular disease as compared to those with normal total cholesterol levels.
The Cholesterol Test is intended for home use by people who have not previously had a cholesterol test, to give them an indication of whether one’s cholesterol level is high enough to visit their physician for further advice and/or to monitor cholesterol levels at home, if one has already been told by the doctor that it’s elevated.
It’s recommended for men over 40 and women over 45 years old if there are no other risk factors. If they are present testing it’s recommended for all those over 25 years old.
The Cholesterol Test detects total cholesterol level in blood using an enzymatic method with semi-quantitative determination. The cholesterol in blood sample reacts with particular enzymes in the test strip, leading to the development of green color. The intensity and the gradation of the color are proportional to the concentration of the cholesterol itself. The obtained color is then compared to the provided chart, which indicates the measured value.
Checking the level of cholesterol in blood is an excellent method to evaluate your health status and the possibly to take preventive actions. High cholesterol concentration doesn’t show any symptoms, so many people are unaware that their cholesterol levels are too high. Therefore, it’s important to find out the level of cholesterol before it starts damaging the body.
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